Sisseton Middle school welcomes new principal

Principal Victor Mendoza ~ Courier Photo

by Mimi Larsen Courier Staff Writer

Victor Mendoza is the new middle school principal for the Sisseton school district. He comes to town from California, where he was in education for 18 years, as a teacher and then as a principal. He arrived in Sisseton in January and was a fifth grade science teacher through the spring term last year.

“It’s been a blast to be here,” said Mendoza, who specifically sought out education employment opportunities in South Dakota.

“I just didn’t feel like I fit in in California and South Dakota aligned with my beliefs,” he said. He responded to an online listing for a position at the middle school. For more on this story and many more please purchase a copy of the Sisseton Courier on news stands now or purchase a copy of the E-edtion on this website..
