Sisseton Legion Auxiliary #50 to host Beach Party Bash

Legion Auxiliary Spring Social Pictured are a few of the items to be given away at the Legion Auxiliary Spring Social, “Beach Party Bash,” to be held at Grace Lutheran Church Hall on Saturday, May 4. See details in “Local Happenings.” ~ Courtesy Photo

After a five-year break, the Sisseton American Legion Auxiliary Post #50 is bringing back it’s “Spring Social” one more time. Not only does the event bring people from various communities together for a delightful afternoon, it also provides much-needed support for a variety of good deeds that Auxiliary members share throughout the year.

With a theme of “Beach Party Bash,” this year’s Legion Auxiliary event will be held on Saturday, May 4, at Grace Lutheran Church. Lunch, including a variety of desserts, will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The afternoon will also include entertainment, door prizes, raffles and other fun activities. For more on this story and many more please purchase a copy of the Sisseton Courier on news stands now or purchase a copy of the E-edtion on this website.
