Sisseton Legion Auxiliary #50 to host Beach Party Bash
After a five-year break, the Sisseton American Legion Auxiliary Post #50 is bringing back it’s “Spring Social” one more time. Not only does the event bring people from various communities together for a delightful afternoon, it also provides much-needed support for a variety of good deeds that Auxiliary members share throughout the year.
With a theme of “Beach Party Bash,” this year’s Legion Auxiliary event will be held on Saturday, May 4, at Grace Lutheran Church. Lunch, including a variety of desserts, will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The afternoon will also include entertainment, door prizes, raffles and other fun activities. For more on this story and many more please purchase a copy of the Sisseton Courier on news stands now or purchase a copy of the E-edtion on this website.