Sisseton High School seniors to graduate May 18

CLASS SPEAKERS -- SHS CLASS OF 2024 Sophia Moen and Scout Gaikowski ~ Courier Photo
Forty-seven seniors will complete their four years of education at Sisseton High School with Commencement Services at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 18, at Ben Reifel Gymnasium. Graduation speakers will be Sophia Moen and Scout Gaikowski, members of the graduating class. Baccalaureate, sponsored by the Sisseton Ministerial Association, will be held Wednesday, May 15, at 7:00 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church for all area graduates who chose to attend. For more on this story and many more please purchase a copy of the Sisseton Courier on news stands now or purchase a copy of the E-edtion on this website.