Equipment upgrades improve response, community relations in Roberts County
by Michael Frye, USDA Public Information Officer
If you’ve thought about breaking the law in South Dakota, you may want to avoid Roberts County in northeastern South Dakota. Covering more than 1,100 square miles, it’s no surprise the Sheriff’s Depart- ment has its work cut out pa- trolling the hundreds of miles of highways across the county. But thanks to Rural Development’s Community Facilities grants, the job has gotten a little easier.
When Deputy Trevor Mishler was hired by the department, there weren’t enough patrol cruisers to go around and some of the equipment being used by deputies was outdated and past its serviceable life. The Sheriff and county staff gave the deputy the green light to look for funding to purchase an additional vehicle and upgraded equipment.For more on this story and many more please purchase a copy of the Sisseton Courier on news stands now or purchase a copy of the E-edtion on this website.